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Entertainment in Malta & Gozo

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SterjoTipi,Entertainment  in Malta,		        						     entertainment, things to do, games, fun, Performing Arts, Artiste Management,,

+356 9920 3084

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SterjoTipi hija band komposta minn Mark M Costa, Stefan Grech, Roderick Borg u Gabrijel Mansueto, f’ Ottubru 2017. Sa mill-bidu nett tal-vjaġġ tagħhom fix-xena mużikali aspiraw li jiktbu diski originali bil-Malti. SterjoTipi jixtiequ jilħqu udjenzi varji bl-istil kontemporanju tagħhom. Fil-fatt, il-mużika u l-lirika tagħhom huma bbażati fuq stejjer differenti li ħafna mid-drabi jgħaddu...

Ziggies Pub,Entertainment  in Malta,		        						     entertainment, things to do, games, fun, Performing Arts, Artiste Management,,

Triq Il-Kahli, San Pawl Il-Bahar, Malta 

+356 9949 6507

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Ziggies Pub is the perfect place for groups, parties and has also outdoor seating.

Centrestage Malta,Entertainment  in Malta,		        						     entertainment, things to do, games, fun, Performing Arts, Artiste Management,,

Triq Il-Gdida, Hal Luqa, Malta 

+356 9967 3312 Tiziana Calleja

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 CentreSTAGE is a performing arts company which knows its basis in musical theatre. It started off in Summer 2010 during a Musical Theatre workshop lead by Tiziana Calleja. The workshop had ended with a performance full of musical hits, entitled ‘GLEE!’ This first performance was a success and gave initiative to the group to look beyond that point and take their skills a...

Afterglow Events ,Entertainment  in Malta,		        						     entertainment, things to do, games, fun, Performing Arts, Artiste Management,,

243, Triq Il-Htajriet, Il-Mosta, Malta 

+356 9900 4569 Francesca Scerri

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We're event organizers with a flair for creative concepts. Our in-house entertainers, promoters and decorators will ensure you are choosing the right team for your next corporate event. For more information visit our website or Facebook page.

Down Town Snack Bar,Entertainment  in Malta,		        						     entertainment, things to do, games, fun, Performing Arts, Artiste Management,,

137, Triq San Giljan, San Gwann, Malta 

+356 7907 3213

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Entertaining, snacks and Bar.

Big Mamma Entertainment,Entertainment  in Malta,		        						     entertainment, things to do, games, fun, Performing Arts, Artiste Management,,

Holy Divines City Court, Triq Ponsonby, Il-Mosta, Malta 

+356 7983 2846

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We can entertain your party.....celebrate with your favourite character...

OMG Magic by Gwilym Bugeja,Entertainment  in Malta,		        						     entertainment, things to do, games, fun, Performing Arts, Artiste Management,,

Triq Robert Mifsud Bonnici, Hal Lija, Malta 

+356 7923 9496 Gwilym Bugeja

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OMG Magic is a brand that guarantees OMG reactions when it comes to Magic Entertainment, it is dedicated to providing the best service possible. Gwilym specialises in various areas, including Comedy Magic Shows, Comedy Kids Magic Shows, Close up Magic, Wedding Magic and Tailor-Made Shows.   Want to know more about the above-mentioned services, get in touch now.

Visage Sound Ltd,Entertainment  in Malta,	        						     entertainment, things to do, games, fun, Performing Arts, Artiste Management,,

Triq Guze Muscat Azzopardi, Hal Qormi, Malta 

Roland Saliba

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Visage Sounds was first established in Malta in 1994, and the original main objective was the same as it is today – to achieve the highest level of sound quality and reliability that are necessary in order to be a leading sound company in the Maltese music industry.    Since then, times have changed and along with the times, products have also changed. Visage Sounds...

DJ Steve Caesar,Entertainment  in Malta,		        						     entertainment, things to do, games, fun, Performing Arts, Artiste Management,,

Triq Tal-Labour, In-Naxxar, Malta 

+356 7797 7779 Steve Caesar

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For more information about the products or services we offer, please use any of the contact details listed.

Argentine Tango by Nathalie,Entertainment  in Malta,		        						     entertainment, things to do, games, fun, Performing Arts, Artiste Management,,

Numero Dos, 2, Triq Il-Mastrudaxxa, Il-Mosta, Malta 

+356 7928 7755 Nathalie Mifsud

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 Fun tango classes with Nathalie. Malta and Gozo - regular classes, introductory courses, workshops, practicas, milongas.    Nathalie has been dancing tango for nearly 20years now. She had assisted classes for 5 years and has been teaching tango for the past 12 years. Her classes are run by herself and helpers. She has created a tango community and organises tango...

Socjeta Filarmonika Nicolo Isouard,Entertainment  in Malta,		        						     entertainment, things to do, games, fun, Performing Arts, Artiste Management,,

206, Triq Il-Kbira, Il-Mosta, Malta 

+356 2143 1898

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Matul l-istorja twila tagħha, is-Soċjetà Filarmonika Nicolò Isouard kienet onorata b’diversi żjarat minn persuni distinti, fosthom Kardinali, Isqfijiet, Gvernaturi u Presidenti ta’ Malta, eċċ.  Il-Banda Nicolò Isouard tieħu sehem attiv f’avvenimenti annwali bħall-festa ta’ Santa Marija, il-Ġimgħa l-Kbira u l-Irxoxt fil-Mosta u f’diversi...

Can You Escape? -Escape Rooms Malta ,Entertainment  in Malta,		        						     entertainment, things to do, games, fun, Performing Arts, Artiste Management,,

Can You Escape? -Escape Rooms Malta

Can You Escape? -Escape Rooms Malta

297, Triq Il-Merhba, Il-Fgura, Malta FGR 1836

+356 9926 2473

Can You Escape? – Malta is an exciting, fun and entertaining mental game, targeted particularly for bright and sharp minds. It is the FIRST of its kind in Malta. Following months of hard work, we are confident in presenting you with a professional and worthwhile product which you will not want to miss! Real-life room escape games are a type of physical adventure game in which a...

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