San Gwann Police Station , Triq In-Naxxar, San Gwann, Malta
+356 2133 1539 Your Search
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San Gwann Police Station , Triq In-Naxxar, San Gwann, Malta
+356 2133 1539 more information about the products or services we offer, please use any of the contact details listed.
Birzebbuga Police Station, Il-Bajja S-Sabiha , Birzebbuga, Malta
+356 2165 3820 more information about the products or services we offer, please use any of the contact details listed.
Valletta Police Station, Triq L-Arcisqof, Il-Belt Valletta, Malta
+356 2294 3101 more information about the products or services we offer, please use any of the contact details listed.
Ghaxaq Police Station, Vjal Il-Labour, Hal Ghaxaq, Malta
+356 2189 7743 more information about the products or services we offer, please use any of the contact details listed.
Marsaskala Police Station, Triq Iz-Zonqor, Marsaskala, Malta
+356 2182 7103 more information about the products or services we offer, please use any of the contact details listed.
Ramla Police Station, Bajja Tar-Ramla, In-Nadur (Gozo), Gozo
+356 2155 5556 more information about the products or services we offer, please use any of the contact details listed.
Dingli Police Station, Triq Il-Kbira, Had-Dingli, Malta
+356 2145 4556 more information about the products or services we offer, please use any of the contact details listed.
Siggiewi Police Station, Pjazza San Nikola, Is-Siggiewi, Malta
+356 2146 0825 more information about the products or services we offer, please use any of the contact details listed.
For more information about the products or services we offer, please use any of the contact details listed.
Sliema Police Station, Triq Manwel Dimech, Tas-Sliema, Malta
+356 2133 0502 more information about the products or services we offer, please use any of the contact details listed.
Luqa Police Station, Misrah Tal-Knisja, Hal Luqa, Malta
+356 2180 9331 more information about the products or services we offer, please use any of the contact details listed.
Mgarr Police Station, Triq San Pawl, L-Imgarr, Malta
+356 2157 3422 more information about the products or services we offer, please use any of the contact details listed.
St. Paul's Bay Police Station, Triq San Pawl, San Pawl Il-Bahar, Malta
+356 2147 2602 more information about the products or services we offer, please use any of the contact details listed.
Victoria Health Centre, Triq Patri Anton Debono, Ir-Rabat (Gozo), Gozo
+356 2156 1600 more information about the products or services we offer, please use any of the contact details listed.
For more information about the products or services we offer, please use any of the contact details listed.
Ghasri Police Station, Pjazza S-Salvatur, L-Ghasri (Gozo), Gozo
+356 2156 2040 more information about the products or services we offer, please use any of the contact details listed.
67, Triq Santa Lucija, Il-Belt Valletta, Malta VLT 1182
+356 2125 0794 Patricia Tabone www.prlmalta.comPersonnel Resources was set up in 1992 to supply Temporary and Permanent staff across a wide range of industries. Our success is based upon knowing the market and providing quick cost effective recruitment solutions. From the first point of contact we take time to find out the exact needs of our clients, their corporate culture and the vacancy. We give equal importance to...
Fontana Police Station, Triq Ta' Mulejja, Il-Fontana (Gozo), Gozo
+356 2156 0888 more information about the products or services we offer, please use any of the contact details listed.
Kercem Police Stations, Triq Sarg, Ta' Kercem (Gozo), Gozo
+356 2155 6171 more information about the products or services we offer, please use any of the contact details listed.
Hamrun Police Station, Pjazza San Pawl, Il-Hamrun, Malta
+356 2294 3451 more information about the products or services we offer, please use any of the contact details listed.
Fgura Police Station, Triq Hompesch, Il-Fgura, Malta
+356 2182 6714 more information about the products or services we offer, please use any of the contact details listed.
Balzan Police Station, Pjazza Bertu Fenech, Hal Balzan, Malta
+356 2148 8460 more information about the products or services we offer, please use any of the contact details listed.
Qala Police Station, Triq It-Tmienja W Ghoxrin Ta' April 1688, Il-Qala (Gozo), Gozo
+356 2155 6448 more information about the products or services we offer, please use any of the contact details listed.
Xghajra Police Station, Triq Il-Knisja, Ix-Xghajra, Malta
+356 2182 2515 more information about the products or services we offer, please use any of the contact details listed.
Rabat Police Station, Misrah Il-Parrocca, Ir-Rabat, Malta
+356 2145 4554 more information about the products or services we offer, please use any of the contact details listed.
Mqabba Police Station, Triq Il-Parrocca, L-Imqabba, Malta
+356 2182 7115 more information about the products or services we offer, please use any of the contact details listed.
For more information about the products or services we offer, please use any of the contact details listed.
Matul l-istorja twila tagħha, is-Soċjetà Filarmonika Nicolò Isouard kienet onorata b’diversi żjarat minn persuni distinti, fosthom Kardinali, Isqfijiet, Gvernaturi u Presidenti ta’ Malta, eċċ. Il-Banda Nicolò Isouard tieħu sehem attiv f’avvenimenti annwali bħall-festa ta’ Santa Marija, il-Ġimgħa l-Kbira u l-Irxoxt fil-Mosta u f’diversi...
Zejtun Police Station, Triq Il-Madonna Tal-Bon Kunsill, Iz-Zejtun, Malta
+356 2169 4146 more information about the products or services we offer, please use any of the contact details listed.
Triq Il-Kan. Karmenu Pirotta, Birkirkara, Malta
+356 2149 1200 www.davincihealth.comOur goal is to focus on health, not just disease. Rather than trying to treat complex medical conditions, which are rare, we will broaden our scope by concentrating on the management of more common diseases and more importantly on the promotion of Health for our clients. By expanding on the prevention and early detection of disease, we will maintain overall good Health in our customers.
Suite 4, Level 4, The Penthouse, Europa Buildings, Triq Dun Karm, Birkirkara, Malta BKR9034
+356 7944 3503 John Paris www.broadwing.jobsBroadwing Job Placement Agency is a recruitment company based in Malta with an international network of recruitment partners. We place candidates within Banking & Finance, Legal & Compliance, IT & iGaming and Sales & Administration industries. We focus onattracting, shortlisting, appointing and selecting suitable candidates for the placement of...
Tarxien Police Stations, Triq Betta, Hal Tarxien, Malta
+356 2167 7158 more information about the products or services we offer, please use any of the contact details listed.
Marsa Police Station, Triq Balbi, Il-Marsa, Malta
+356 2294 3466 more information about the products or services we offer, please use any of the contact details listed.
Whitehall Mansions, Level 1, Ix-Xatt Ta' Xbiex, Ta' Xbiex, Malta XBX 1026
+356 2144 7304 , +356 2149 8127 , +356 9942 1589 www.maltablooddonors.orgFor more information about the products or services we offer, please use any of the contact details listed.
Pieta' , Triq Hookham Frere, Tal-Pieta', Gwardamanga, Malta
+356 2122 8697 more information about the products or services we offer, please use any of the contact details listed.
For more information about the products or services we offer, please use any of the contact details listed.
The best for your health, the best for you
Malta International Airport, Hal Luqa, Malta LQA 05
+356 2124 9600 , +356 2124 9563 www.maltairport.comFor more information about the products or services we offer, please use any of the contact details listed.
Gzira Health Centre, Pjazza Meme' Scicluna, Il-Gzira, Malta GZR 1120
+356 2133 7244 more information about the products or services we offer, please use any of the contact details listed.
46, Triq San Pawl, Ir-Rabat, Malta RBT 1247
+356 9984 4343 , +356 7944 4373 Georges A.Magri www.casabernard.euWelcome to Casa Bernard, a 16th Century Palazzo which has recently been restored to its pristine splendour. It is not a museum but our private family home, combining beautiful architectural features with a rich historical evolution, originally starting off as a medieval watch-tower built on Roman foundations, progressing to a double-fronted Palazzo in the mid 16th Century and then given some...
St. Luke's Hospital, Telghet Gwardamangia, Tal-Pieta', Malta
+356 2124 1251 , +356 2124 0176 more information about the products or services we offer, please use any of the contact details listed.
Xlendi Police Station, Triq Sant' Indrija, Il-Munxar, Ix-Xlendi (Gozo), Gozo
+356 2155 6419 more information about the products or services we offer, please use any of the contact details listed.
Medical Complex, Triq Il-Hobbejza, Ir-Rabat, Malta
+356 2145 3214 , +356 2145 3215 , +356 7945 3213 Caroline Azzopardi
Family Health Services is a private healthcare centre situated in Rabat offering ample parking and a pleasant atmosphere. The company offers several health professionals and also basic beauty services for the utility of customers. As one of the leading community health care providers in Rabat, Family Health Services is dedicated to providing comprehensive primary health care services...
Zurrieq Police Station, Misrah Ir-Repubblika, Iz-Zurrieq, Malta
+356 2164 0721 more information about the products or services we offer, please use any of the contact details listed.
56, Caroline Court, Flt 8, Triq Tal-Mensija, San Gwann, Malta
+356 2733 3112 Martin Aquilina in 2010, Medistar Healthcare Services Limited, offering nursing and caring services to both government and private healthcare institutions. In time, thanks to its professional approach, the company has grown and developed into offering other services. These include: · Healthcare Services...
Vittoriosa Police Station, Triq Desain, Il-Birgu, Malta
+356 2182 5939 more information about the products or services we offer, please use any of the contact details listed.
Sir Paul Boffa Hospital, Sqaq Harper, Il-Furjana, Malta FRN 1941
+356 2122 4491 , +356 2124 7516 more information about the products or services we offer, please use any of the contact details listed.
Munxar Police Station, Triq Profs. Guze' Aquilina, Il-Munxar (Gozo), Gozo
+356 2156 3747 more information about the products or services we offer, please use any of the contact details listed.
Bormla Police Station, Fuq San Pawl, Bormla, Malta
+356 2182 4218 more information about the products or services we offer, please use any of the contact details listed.
Qrendi Police Station, Triq Il-Kbira, Il-Qrendi, Malta
+356 2182 6944 more information about the products or services we offer, please use any of the contact details listed.
Lapsi Police Station, Ghar Lapsi, Is-Siggiewi, Malta
+356 2124 5461 more information about the products or services we offer, please use any of the contact details listed.
Mgarr (Gozo) Police Station, Triq Ix-Xatt, Ghajnsielem (Gozo), Gozo
+356 2155 6406 more information about the products or services we offer, please use any of the contact details listed.
Sir Paul Boffa Hospital, Sqaq Harper, Il-Furjana, Malta FRN 1941
+356 2122 7981 more information about the products or services we offer, please use any of the contact details listed.
Paola Police Station, Triq Il-Belt Valletta, Paola, Malta
+356 2189 5787 more information about the products or services we offer, please use any of the contact details listed.
Gzira Police Station, Triq Belvedere, Il-Gzira, Malta
+356 2133 2193 more information about the products or services we offer, please use any of the contact details listed.
Xaghra Police Station, Vjal It-Tmienja Ta Settembru, Ix-Xaghra (Gozo), Gozo
+356 2155 6426 more information about the products or services we offer, please use any of the contact details listed.
Gharghur Police Station, Triq San Bartilmew, Hal Gharghur, Malta
+356 2141 2416 more information about the products or services we offer, please use any of the contact details listed.
36, Triq San Luqa, Tal-Pieta', Gwardamanga, Malta PTA 1027
+356 2295 9000 , +356 2122 5354 known as Social Welfare Development Programme (SWDP), Appoġġ, and forms part of the Foundation for Social Welfare Services. Appoġġ has as its ultimate aim the enhancement of the lives of people in need, through the provision and availability of professional care and support. From a small Social Welfare Organization aimed at developing initiatives to help individuals in need who...
For more information about the products or services we offer, please use any of the contact details listed.
Mosta Police Station, Pjazza Tar-Rotunda, Il-Mosta, Malta
+356 2143 3800 more information about the products or services we offer, please use any of the contact details listed.
Gharb Police Station, Triq Il-Knisja, L-Gharb (Gozo), Gozo
+356 2155 6409 more information about the products or services we offer, please use any of the contact details listed.
Mtarfa Police Station, Triq It-Torri Ta' L-Arlogg, L-Imtarfa, Malta
+356 2145 9854 more information about the products or services we offer, please use any of the contact details listed.
Centru Nazzjonali, Pjazza San Luqa, Tal-Pieta', Gwardamanga, Malta
+356 2123 4767
For more information about the products or services we offer, please use any of the contact details listed.
Mosta Health Centre, Triq Il-Kostituzzjoni, Il-Mosta, Malta MST 9059
+356 2141 1065 more information about the products or services we offer, please use any of the contact details listed.
Attard Police Station, Triq Il-Kbira, H' Attard, Malta
+356 2141 8016 more information about the products or services we offer, please use any of the contact details listed.
Birkirkara Police Station, Triq Il-Kbira, Birkirkara, Malta
+356 2144 2200 , +356 2144 2201 more information about the products or services we offer, please use any of the contact details listed.
Marsaxlokk Police Station, Xatt Is-Sajjieda, Marsaxlokk, Malta
+356 2187 1258 more information about the products or services we offer, please use any of the contact details listed.
Zabbar Police Station, Triq Il-Kunvent, Haz-Zabbar,
+356 2182 6931 more information about the products or services we offer, please use any of the contact details listed.
Millenium Chapel, Triq Il-Knisja, San Giljan, Paceville, Malta STJ 3041
+356 7946 6566
For more information about the products or services we offer, please use any of the contact details listed.
Zebbug (Gozo) Police Station, Triq Il-Knisja, Iz-Zebbug (Gozo), Gozo
+356 2155 6429 more information about the products or services we offer, please use any of the contact details listed.
Birkirkara Health Centre, Triq Tumas Fenech, Birkirkara, Malta BKR 2527
+356 2149 4960 more information about the products or services we offer, please use any of the contact details listed.
Marsalforn Police Station, Triq Santa Marija, Iz-Zebbug, Marsalforn (Gozo), Gozo
+356 2155 6415 more information about the products or services we offer, please use any of the contact details listed.
For more information about the products or services we offer, please use any of the contact details listed.
Qormi Police Station, Triq Il-Kbira, Hal Qormi, Malta
+356 2148 7283 Qormi Police Station more information about the products or services we offer, please use any of the contact details listed.
ETC Head Office, Qasam Industrijali Hal Far, Birzebbuga, Hal Far, Malta BBG 3000
+356 2165 4940 , +356 2165 3396 more information about the products or services we offer, please use any of the contact details listed.
For more information about the products or services we offer, please use any of the contact details listed.
For more information about the products or services we offer, please use any of the contact details listed.
Msida Police Station, Triq D'argens, L-Imsida, Malta
+356 2133 2289 more information about the products or services we offer, please use any of the contact details listed.
For more information about the products or services we offer, please use any of the contact details listed.
Kalkara Police Station, Misrah L-Arcisqof Gonzi, Il-Kalkara, Malta
+356 2182 6933 more information about the products or services we offer, please use any of the contact details listed.
Sta. Lucia Police Station, Awret It-Torri, Santa Lucija, Malta
+356 2180 9618 more information about the products or services we offer, please use any of the contact details listed.
Kirkop Police Station, Triq San Benedittu, Hal Kirkop, Malta
+356 2182 6946 more information about the products or services we offer, please use any of the contact details listed.
Naxxar Police Station, Triq Iz-Zenqa, In-Naxxar, Malta
+356 2143 7004 more information about the products or services we offer, please use any of the contact details listed.
Ramla Police Station, Bajja Tar-Ramla, In-Nadur (Gozo), Gozo
+356 2155 5556 more information about the products or services we offer, please use any of the contact details listed.
Mellieha Police Station, Misrah Iz-Zjara Tal-Papa, Il-Mellieha, Malta
+356 2152 3457 more information about the products or services we offer, please use any of the contact details listed.
Gudia Police Station, Triq Raymond Caruana, Il-Gudja, Malta
+356 2169 6209 more information about the products or services we offer, please use any of the contact details listed.
Floriana Health Centre, Triq Frangisk Saver Fenech, Il-Furjana, Malta FRN 1211
+356 2124 3314 more information about the products or services we offer, please use any of the contact details listed.
Rabat Health Centre, Triq San Pawl Sqaq Nru.1, Ir-Rabat, Malta RBT 1528
+356 2145 9082 more information about the products or services we offer, please use any of the contact details listed.
For more information about the products or services we offer, please use any of the contact details listed.
Xewkija Police Station, Triq L-Indipendenza, Ix-Xewkija (Gozo), Gozo
+356 2155 6043 more information about the products or services we offer, please use any of the contact details listed.
AFM Headquarters, Luqa Ex-Officers Quarters, Hal Luqa, Malta
+356 2249 4000 , +356 2124 1001 more information about the products or services we offer, please use any of the contact details listed.
San Lawrenz Police Station, Pjazza San Lawrenz, San Lawrenz (Gozo), Gozo
+356 2156 2040 more information about the products or services we offer, please use any of the contact details listed.
Senglea Police Station, Triq Il-Vitorja, L-Isla, Malta
+356 2182 6720 more information about the products or services we offer, please use any of the contact details listed.
Mgarr (Gozo) Police Station, Triq Ix-Xatt, Ghajnsielem (Gozo), Gozo
+356 2155 6406 more information about the products or services we offer, please use any of the contact details listed.
Sannat Police Station, Triq Sannat, Ta' Sannat (Gozo), Gozo
+356 2155 6423 more information about the products or services we offer, please use any of the contact details listed.
Office of the Permanent Secretary, Palazzo Zondadari, 197/198, Triq Il-Merkanti, Il-Belt Valletta, Malta VLT2000
+356 2220 9500 more information about the products or services we offer, please use any of the contact details listed.
Floriana Police Station, Triq Sant' Anna, Il-Furjana, Malta
+356 2123 6719 more information about the products or services we offer, please use any of the contact details listed.
Paola Police Station, Triq Il-Belt Valletta, Paola, Malta
+356 2189 5787 more information about the products or services we offer, please use any of the contact details listed.
San Andrea School, L-Imselliet Zebbiegh, L-Imgarr, Malta MGR 2850
+356 2143 8800 Andrea School is situated in the heart of the Maltese countryside at L-Imselliet (between Mosta and Mgarr). This is an ideal location which is easily accessible while providing a safe and healthy environment for the children. The school consists of three purpose built buildings - Early School, Middle School and Senior School - with an area providing sports facilities, as well as a...
Ta' Pinu Police Station, Ta' Pinu, L-Gharb (Gozo), Gozo
+356 2155 4599 more information about the products or services we offer, please use any of the contact details listed.
Wied iz-Zurrieq Police Station, Wied Iz-Zurrieq, Il-Qrendi, Malta
+356 2182 6947 more information about the products or services we offer, please use any of the contact details listed.
Qawra Police Station, Triq It-Turisti, San Pawl Il-Bahar, Qawra, Malta
+356 2294 3601 more information about the products or services we offer, please use any of the contact details listed.
Safi Police Station, Triq San Pawl, Hal Safi, Malta
+356 2182 6949 more information about the products or services we offer, please use any of the contact details listed.
St. Julian's Police Station, Triq San Gorg, San Giljan, Malta
+356 2137 4445 more information about the products or services we offer, please use any of the contact details listed.
Sta. Venera Police Station, Triq Il-Kbira San Guzepp, Santa Venera, Malta
+356 2122 3041 more information about the products or services we offer, please use any of the contact details listed.
Triq Dun Anton Tabone, San Giljan, Malta GZR 1540
+356 2134 4950 , +356 2134 4914 more information about the products or services we offer, please use any of the contact details listed.
Zebbug Police Station, Triq Il-Parrocca, Haz-Zebbug, Malta
+356 2146 0854 2565 more information about the products or services we offer, please use any of the contact details listed.