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Waste Disposal in Malta & Gozo

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7, Blackman Court, Triq Il-Mimosa, Tal-Pieta', Gwardamanga, Malta 

+356 9949 5423

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Mobilja Transport offers lifting services for industry and domestic purposes, safe furniture movers and waste removal services. Whether you need to transport your personal belongings or you need to get rid of a bulky refuse call on 99495423.

Diamond Rose, Flt 1, Triq Il-Kus, Hal Qormi, Malta 

+356 7945 8019

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Antoine Bartolo offers skips hire solutions so that you can get rid of a large amount of junk and rubbish items.

G&R Spiteri,Waste Disposal in Malta,		        						     dirt, waste, dranige,Drainage, scammel, scammels, scamel, scamels, garbage,,

1, Triq L-Ghaxra Ta' Settembru, Hal Qormi, Malta 

+356 9948 7007 George Spiteri

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 With G&R Spiteri Fantastic Waste Removal, you can rid your home or business in Malta of rubbish as soon as tomorrow. That's right! Tomorrow. Or maybe even today! But there's certainly none of that “within 10 work days.” Just give us a call or reach us online! Tell us what you want to get rid of as well as what would be the best time for a visit to your...

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