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Marine Woodworks in Malta & Gozo

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A&J Baldacchino Boatyard Ltd,Marine Woodworks in Malta,

32, Triq Hal Far , Birzebbuga, Hal Far, Malta BBG 9034

+356 9984 4213 Mr Joseph Baldacchino

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A&J Baldacchino Boatyard Ltd is one of the leaders in boat yard operators and fibreglass boat repairs, offering all types of marine services including yacht repairs, maintenance and storage. The Boat Yard is equipped with a state-of-the-art boat lift, professional, certified boat cradles and competitive prices all year round.   This family run business enjoys unrivalled...

52 Mark’s Garage, Triq Brittanja, Paola, Malta 

+356 9940 6703

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Mark's Marine Woodworks has more than 30 years of experience in boat carpentry but we also do general woodworks, specialising in kitchens.

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