206, Triq Il-Kbira, Il-Mosta, Malta
+356 2143 1898
www.nicoloisouardmosta.orgRefine Your Search
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Matul l-istorja twila tagħha, is-Soċjetà Filarmonika Nicolò Isouard kienet onorata b’diversi żjarat minn persuni distinti, fosthom Kardinali, Isqfijiet, Gvernaturi u Presidenti ta’ Malta, eċċ. Il-Banda Nicolò Isouard tieħu sehem attiv f’avvenimenti annwali bħall-festa ta’ Santa Marija, il-Ġimgħa l-Kbira u l-Irxoxt fil-Mosta u f’diversi...
San Andrea School, L-Imselliet Zebbiegh, L-Imgarr, Malta MGR 2850
+356 2143 8800
info@sanandrea.edu.mt www.sanandrea.edu.mtSan Andrea School is situated in the heart of the Maltese countryside at L-Imselliet (between Mosta and Mgarr). This is an ideal location which is easily accessible while providing a safe and healthy environment for the children. The school consists of three purpose built buildings - Early School, Middle School and Senior School - with an area providing sports facilities, as well as a...